Welcome to the world of T. Atkins, where I bring to life characters who are complex and mult-dimensional. My work spans from flawed, relatable individuals to those teetering on the edge of instability and delusion. Join me as we journey through the realms of realistic and supernatural fiction, where every story offers a unique exploration of the human condition.
Shawna Hall, the picture-perfect housewife, has meticulously crafted a facade of happiness over the past 17 years. Her life, to an outsider, seems idyllic—a two-story home in a charming neighborhood, designer clothes, and a seemingly doting husband. Yet, beneath this carefully constructed exterior, Shawna's life is a tempest of hidden turmoil. Her husband, Greg, is not the caring partner he appears to be. He is a controlling, abusive cheater, who is ready to take away the one person who is keeping Shawna’s life from falling apart, her best friend, Trudy.

My new novel, Beneath the Surface of Content, will be released on September 9th and is now available for preorder. I invite you to be part of this journey by securing your copy early. It is the second novel in my duology, Discontented Housewives series.
The Edge of Discontent's genre is Realistic Fiction. I suppose a good writer is one who is able to weave parts of their lives within the stories they tell and the job of a good reader is to figure out which parts are real and which parts are fiction. I dare you to take a look at my new novel "The Edge of Discontent" and try to figure it out for yourself.
The idea for the first Interwoven book came to me after a discussion with my father about scary movies. I wondered what types of story arcs had not been covered in the horror genre. Although the theme of "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it" holds true for both of the Interwoven 1 and 2, I believe that the stories themselves a different from those written in the past.

July, 2019
The fire breathing dragon had just risen from the depths of hell. Spewing rage and indignation. Her talon-like claws grasping at the air, screeching in rage. The sound vile and deafening. Who had dared to challenge her? Who was this insignificant minion that had dared to cross her path? Did they not know who she was? To think that they were even worthy enough to stand in her presence.
The dragon, better known as Mrs. Scarborough also known as Satan’s wife was throwing what Dustin believed to be a tantrum. But she was sure Mrs. Scarborough would find a suitable word that she felt more benefitting to the situation, being the perfect English teacher that she was. Dustin was also sure that she probably felt a tantrum was beneath her.
Mrs. Scarborough stood about 6 feet tall in a pair of slingback thick-soled heels. Her skin was the color of tanned leather with the texture of beef jerky. She kept her hair pulled back in a bun like an old schoolmarm. Her class was run more like a boot camp than eleventh grade advanced English.
There were several rules that she made sure to inform the class of on the first day of school and Melissa Beck had again broken one of them. Mrs. Scarborough only allowed her students to use black and blue ink pens. She would prefer only black, but blue would be permitted. In fact, pens of any other color were not even allowed to be brought into her classroom. The only other color pen allowed, was red, and she was the only one allowed to use it. She also did not allow pens that clicked. She said the noise was a pet peeve of hers, and it drove her crazy.
Melissa not only owned a blue and black pen but a pen that was also printed in green and red and had a mechanism that could be used to click each color into place. The problem today, was not that Mrs. Scarborough had found her using the pen to take notes in class as she had done in the past, but that Melissa had decided to turn in a report written in green ink.