"The Snowman"
I noticed when I woke up today,
My snowman had melted away
First, it was his head that held his
hopes and dreams
Of possibly lasting longer than a
Winter’s Eve
Then it was his chest that held a
heart inside
Too cold to be broken by someone
who denied
To share, or reciprocate the love he gave
By opening up to them about the
dreams he made
His arms had now fallen to the ground
Having never known what if felt to be around
Someone who held him tight kept him near
Told him all the things he wanted to hear
So now all that’s left is a little snow
Of where my snowman once did stand
As I stare out my window a little envious
Of the simple life he led
Reaching for a dream sometimes feels like
wading through quicksand
Sometimes, it feels as if, it is as close as a whisper
I look around me and see him and him and her, and they
All reaching their dreams, all shrouded in a cloak of stars
that they’ve obtained
While I open doors and then close them
Tugging on window seals as I stare into the abyss
looking for my dreams
Where are you? I ask
Somedays I question silently
Somedays I scream!
Why do you elude me so?
There is only silence
I sit before me, staring at my board of visions of this
seemingly unattainable world
List of my desires, daily charts filled with gratitude
And still, my cup is empty
Did I forget to dot an “I” or cross a “T?”
Tell me dreams, why do you elude me?
Enough questions for today
I have mountains to climb, lions to slay
Waiting anxiously for my answer
"Writer's Life"
Words in head not on pages
Thoughts were here now they’re fleeting
Empty vessel then she rages
A spark ignites
Pen to paper. Ideas meeting
Worlds unfolding within her head
Flourishing, boundless with no end
But behold, the sun has risen, off to bed
Tomorrow’s anew. We begin again